Contenuto principale

Gymnázium V.B. Nedožerského Prievidza, 971 01 Prievidza, Slovakia

Dear headmistress Simonetta Calafiore,

I would like to thank you for the cordial and friendly welcome of all project partners at your school. Six foreign schools met in your beautiful city, and all of them were enthusiastic about the meeting. The project meeting in Palermo has been a great experience for all, we have seen a lot of precious historical sights, experienced the atmosphere of Palermo, tasted your delicious specialties and especially the temperamental and welcoming nature of the Sicilians. We particularly like to thank Professor Sebastian Salerno and Carmela Tilotta, who have spent all of our time with us at the expense of their free time and their families. Many greetings and thanks to the families and students who took care of our students, provided meals and bed for them and created an interesting programme throughout their stay.

We hope we will be able to develop further cooperation in the future and our relationships will be deepened and flourished.

Best regards

Barbara Meluzin Remiašová

Coordinator of project